SENTIENCE Coming to Zoop in April

SENTIENCE Coming to Zoop in April

Today we announced our next title, SENTIENCE, coming to Zoop! We’re incredibly excited to bring this sci-fi, horror, steampunk mash up to you. Written by Elyse Russell, illustrated by Daniela Rivera, and edited by Damon Barret Roe, this American light novel is a new twist on a beloved format.


Have you ever heard of a light novel? How about an American light novel?


Most likely you haven’t if you’re reading this in America. The format just hasn’t caught on here. While I’m not a proponent of supply-side economics I do believe this is one case where light novels are less than novel in America simply because of the lack of offerings and effort to sell them by publishers.


Popularized in Japan, the light novel is usually around 50,000 words with roughly 10 illustrations (typically all B&W) and in A6 size. Band of Bards, being an American press, we are naturally super-sizing this thing into what we’re calling an American light novel. Similar word count, 15 – 20 illustrations with color and some sequential art, and in the larger A5 size. We want our light novel to stand out. We want to make some adjustments to the traditional format to make it appeal more to American audiences. And how can we resist a little joke about how in America we are compelled to do everything over the top?


SENTIENCE is a story of becoming self aware. Not in a coming-of-age way, and not in a Skynet way either. More of a “my mum is a horrible witch who has been using me for evil and I need to change that” kind of way.


We follow our main character Kyra, a clockwork android, as she executes missions on behalf of her Sorceress Mother, who harvests human Soul Energy. As the story progresses Kyra starts to gain some self-awareness, a little autonomy from her manipulative mother. We learn of hidden memories, dark secrets, vengeful reprisals for disobedience, and love. Through action packed pages we see Kyra morph from a mechanical tool of her mother’s devices into a sentient being, aware of her mother’s cruelty and her own ability to forge a path in life of her own desires.


Filled with magic, wild fantasy, sci-fi action, giant spiders, steampunk aesthetics, and the power of true love, SENTIENCE will be loved by fans of Ex Machina, Mortal Engines, and The Princess Bride.


Launching on Zoop in April, SENTIENCE will be a title that bridges the fandom of both comics and prose. With this unique offering Band of Bards is thrilled to showcase the team of Russell & Rivera that has so deeply impressed us. These creators have mountains of talent and the Zoop campaign will offer truly special items to match a truly marvelous work of fiction.


If this has you excited be sure to click the link above and be notified on launch of the Zoop campaign for SENTIENCE. This is the first of many titles Band of Bards has planned to publish by Elyse Russell and her team. Let’s start off with a bang!

