

Big Guns Stupid Rednecks #2

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99.


After defeating his brother in The Big Guns Stupid Rednecks arena, Clint takes over behind the scenes on the show. He struggles to please the producers while still fighting for his life in the arena. Little does he know that someone is conspiring behind his back, and they have a huge surprise for him.


PRODUCT TITLE: Big Guns Stupid Rednecks , UPC: 850037883202, 002-1-1 (Cover A), 002-2-1 (Cover B)

Issue number: 2

Number of Issues/Volumes in Series (or ongoing/no end): 3 issues

Suggested Audience (SEE FAQ for details): Teen

Genre (Superhero, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror, etc.): Sci-Fi, Comedy

Format (comic book / softcover / hardcover): Comicbook

Page Count: 22

Full Color, B&W, or Partial Color: Full Color 

Cover Dimensions: 6.625” x 10.250” 

Retail Price: $4.99


Writer(s): Austin Allen Hamblin

Artist Name(s): Mariana Meira (Illustrator/Colorist), John Ira Thomas (Letterer), Chuck Satterlee (Editor)

Cover Artist(s): Mariana Meira (Cover A), Marcus Jimenez (Cover B)


Additional Information
Weight 9 oz
Variant Covers

Cover A, Cover B

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