SENTIENCE is Live Now on Zoop!

SENTIENCE is Live Now on Zoop!

Our busy April continues as we launched the Zoop crowdfunding campaign for SENTIENCE yesterday. With everything going on I nearly forgot about a BardBlog! Keeping it short and sweet this week.


We had a thrilling first day to kick off the SENTIENCE campaign on Zoop! Hitting 51 backers in the first 24 hours and 26% of our funding goal. As I write this we’re up to 59 backers and 30% of the goal. That’s a strong start and a clear sign that the American light novel is something in demand from comics fans and traditional prose readers alike.


We have to thank everyone who showed up on Day 1 to back the campaign and help spread the word. It takes a village to crowdfund a book. Band of Bards has spent much time and effort on building our fanbase and expanding our reach, but that will always have its limitations. Word of mouth (or Tweet) is always the best endorsement any project can hope for. So thank you to all of yinz who’ve had our backs. BoB & Sentience’s creative team are incredibly grateful.


Looking to the next few days we want to continue to build upon the early momentum. So please continue sharing on all your social medias. If you have friends you think would be interested in this steampunk/dark fantasy/sci-fi adventure please tell them about it. If you have a local comic shop or book store you feel would be interested in SENTIENCE, please let them know about it (we have a retailer only package for them).


There are a ton of great basic tiers, add-on items, and bundles available. All you need is a Google or FG login (or you can create a Zoop specific login) and you’re in. In less than 1 minute you can sign up, pick your reward tier & some extras, and head over to the shopping cart to check out. Zoop won’t charge you until the end of the campaign and ONLY if we hit goal. My personal favorite is the FULL BARD catch up tier and the Get Drawn In add-on, but there’s so much great art to choose from too.


So go over to Zoop and back SENTIENCE!

