Announcing Band of Bards’ Final 2022 Titles
This week on the BardBlog we are proud to announce the remaining 2022 titles from Band of Bards Comics. You may remember that during the Kickstarter campaign for Final Gamble we announced Fell Witch, Sentience, and Prospects which is now live on Kickstarter.
Well, we’re excited to tell you all about the titles which will round out the 2022 publishing schedule for BoB:
Reluctant Hero by Alexandra McCarthy is a story about childhood friends Asta and Lola whose friendship is tested after Asta befriends Mallory, a young girl who shares Asta’s love of caped crusaders and suggests they play out their fantasies. However, Mallory’s aspirations are revealed to be far more sinister. Written and illustrated by McCarthy, Reluctant Hero is planned for a manga format with familiar anime stylings. This coming-of-age tale takes on the struggles of figuring out your identity and trying to balance loyalty to old friends while also discovering yourself.
Reluctant Hero is told over three volumes each containing several chapters. With each volume spanning approximately 150 pages Band of Bards will be releasing RH through our digital platforms chapter-by-chapter in the summer of 2022 with physical publishing of each volume to follow.
Magni the Mighty by Devin Arscott. That’s right Magni has survived Ragnarok and remains MIGHTY. We absolutely loved Arscott’s take on post-Ragnarok Asgard and were so thrilled when he pitched the series to us. We know there are plenty of Magni fans out there so we can’t wait to bring this amazing series to you as Magni and Modi try to clean up the mess left behind after Ragnarok. Arscott’s plan calls for multiple short story arcs joined together with several one-shots that explore off-shoot stories from the main storyline. This will allow fans to jump in and enjoy the series even if you don’t get on at #1.
Magni will be coming your way late summer 2022.
Also from Devin Arscott is Katsumi. This series of one-shot stories follows Katsumi, a shinobi of a noble clan of demon slayers. Feudal Japan is not an easy place for a woman warrior but that does not deter Katsumi as she carries out her sworn duty to protect her clan’s territory.
Katsumi is a longer term project which will likely come to you in 2023, but we wanted to share this news with you all because we are just too excited to hold on to it!
Bro-D Can’t Be Broken by Ben Humeniuk takes us to 2095 where humanity is emerging from catastrophic global change. Sleek, well-forested megacities sprawl across every inhabitable continent, machines slowly reverse the worsening of the world’s climate, and people of every tongue and background live as part of a messy but pluralistic international society. Just as the world starts to feel as if life is back on track humanity faces a new threat from ancient race known as the Deywṓs. The only hope for survival is the Bio-Reactionary Organism program and it’s unlikely hero Bro-D with his handler M-Ander.
Bro-D will be a 60 page magazine format comic, giving Humeniuk a large canvas to showcase his incredible writing and illustration style. Look for this title in August 2022!
Hush Ronin by Jeremiah Schiek is the story of a speechless samurai who wanders the bandit infested roads of feudal Japan, carrying with him a legendary sword, and a secret. Schiek plans on taking our protagonist Shoji through a gauntlet of one-shot stories. With his stories and artwork on display in several anthologies such as “Crime Pays” and “Project BIG HYPE” we know Schiek has the chops to bring fans unique tales and breathtaking panels.
Look for Hush Ronin to be available in winter 2022!
Well, there you have it. These titles round out what Band of Bards has planned for the next year. A pretty ambitious undertaking, but the comics community is built on big ideas. Laying the strong foundation for this publishing schedule with Final Gamble and Prospects is what 2021 is all about. Starting off strong with these series paves the way for our other titles.
What thrills me the most is the unique mix of stories and formats. We’ll be offering series in traditional floppy format, some manga style books, on-going series consisting of one-off stories that allow fans to jump in any time, and even a magazine format title!
I’m grateful that so many creators have entrusted us to bring their stories to market. We at Band of Bards have lofty goals and we couldn’t make it without our Bards.
If these titles have you excited then be sure to go check out the Kickstarter campaign for Prospects which is live. Your support now helps lay the road ahead for all of this!