T-minus One Week

T-minus One Week

One week till the launch of our very first Kickstarter.


That’s still a little hard to believe. When we incorporated in March we didn’t expect to be at this point until mid-2022. Part of that was our self-doubt, which we have in excess. Part of it was trying to have reasonable expectations. We knew there were tons of stories and talented creators out there in need of a publisher but we also thought there would be a lot of hesitancy we would need to work to overcome.


Being at this point is humbling, exciting, terrifying, and joyous. Something that has always motivated me is an unhealthy desire to not let anyone down. Right now that’s running at a near all-time high. Try as I might, I just cannot put out of my head the thought of failing to hit our funding goal and disappointing the creators behind Final Gamble, the fans who have been so vocal in their support of BoB, and my partner Chris. We’re a team, but the selling and marketing of our books is (allegedly) one of the complimentary skills I bring to the team.


Putting a little much on my shoulders? Well, I did say it was an unhealthy motivator. I’m not exactly a people-pleaser, but fear of shame still soaks this former Catholic. 


So that’s where I am right now. Worried about the number of people following the campaign pre-launch. Wondering what else I could be doing. Admonishing myself for not sending that one more email.


At least that’s what is on the inside. I do also know that for our first time out we’re doing OK so far. We’re building a brand, an identity, from nothing. We’re creating a comics publisher in a grass roots punk rock style. We’re kinda misfits. In fact, Misfit Comics was one of the name ideas we had looked at and scratched off the list. So if we’re being true to ourselves then we are going to be doing things in a less than conventional way just about every step of the way. We’re going to carve out our own path to success by creating new opportunities for ourselves and for the creatives who join the Band.


One week till launch.


I want to thank Bobby, Jorge, Harry, and George for putting their faith in us. I want to thank Chris for taking the dive with me, and I want to thank all the lovely people who have encouraged us and talked us up these past months.


You can look forward to some guest blogs next week, as well as an endless barrage of promotion for Final Gamble, and some more series announcements sprinkled in during the campaign. 

In sha’Allah.

